Friday night I went to church for choir practice for coral festival. HAHA I sound better this time because I was less nervous plus I am on more familiar with the lyrics.
Just recently I started mugging. I have completed all of my project except for my programming. Started on my integration tutorial today. Out of 100% I was able to 80% of the tutorial. HUI YUN help me out please !!!!!!!! HAHAHA Just discussed with my mum on our holiday plans this coming March. My mum is planning on going back to Europe again. This time it either Germany and the eastern part of Europe (Poland, Hungary and Romania). I am so thrilled that I am going back there again, the weather there is just wonderful, the food is awesome. Oh since I am going Germany and I am 18 years old, I am so going to try the beer. Heard that Germany brew one of the most awesome beers in the world! Here a interesting fact, in Germany a bottle of water is more expensive than a bottle of beer. HAHA a great excuse to drink and be merry. HAHAHA no lah I will not drink a lot. Maybe a bottle or two is enough for me. =) But first of course I have to focus on my studies first. ^^ After all it the final term and I want to be promoted to year two so badly. I mean who wants to repeat??? JiaYou!!! FIN =)
Today was something different from my usual Wednesdays. I went back to school to help out in the DPA orientation. Job was rather simple, interact with the juniors. Met with the other DPA people that were once the same badge as me. Gosh it been like forever since I seen them.
It was rather disappointing because this SP only took in one person into Clean Energy. -.- The previous year was like 5. Why the sudden drop? dun ask me ask Singapore Polytechnic SEEE. Met the juniors, I can tell you that most of the DPA engineering freshmen are pretty smart. Most of them scoring single digit for their O levels. Made me felt dumb for 5 seconds then I just carried on living with my life. =) My DE tutorial lecturer was in charge of the orientation for the EEE students I did not know that he had a bigger role to play in school other than being a lecturer. My PEEE lecturer was there to interact with the student. He kept on using me as an example. He said to the juniors "You want know the definition of fun? You come find this fellow(me). Every time like to play a fool in my lecturers and practical lesson." T_T HAHA I will take that as a good thing. =) I realised something different about this year Engineering cluster. The number of girls who applied for DPA into engineering courses in SP increased from 1 (last year) to 3 (this year). Seem like more girls is interested in Engineering. If that the case then history is repeating itself. Back in the 60's and 70's, engineering was the thing back then. People meaning both guys and girls fighting for a spot to study in engineering courses. Overall the juniors were great. Most of them are still keeping to themselves but hey it the first day of school, people tend to keep to themselves. Give them some time for them to get use to the new environment and before you know it, they are super high. =D FIN
Yesterday I went to the Airport to send Beverly(Church friend) off. She got this like 6th months student exchange programme at Holland. Awesome for her!!! =D
Going oversea to study is like the best thing any Singaporean kids could dream of. For me I can consider myself as one of the grateful ones because my mum totally supports my decision on going oversea to study. That is of course I serve finish my National Service -.- My was mum was like " I totally support your idea to go oversea. I want you to see the world and meet different people from different culture." When my mum said that, in my mind I was like "AWWW SWEET MAN!!!!" Okay put that aside. Todays TCS presentation was rather like what the hell for me. I entrusted one of my group members to do the presentation. When I receive it today and look through it, my mouth was wide open. The presentation doesn't look much like a presentation at all. Explanation were too simple, there was no pictures and the slides were boring-looking. Me and Kian Hwee decided to scrap the whole presentation and do a proper one. We did it within two hours. The worse part was it was two hours before presentation and we did not get the chance to rehearsal it. T_T Honestly she is not reliable. The work she produce is not up to the polytechnic standards but can be compare to a lower secondary schoolwork. It is such a shame that people are willing to just anyhow do the work and think that they have done a great job. BULLSHIT Well this not the worse I seen far worse cases. Today one of classmate commented my group's presentation. He said that my technical description was good and was detailed. Okay I like that. But after that the lecturer asked the class to comment on things that my group should improve on and you know comments I got? The same fellow commented that my technical description not good because it lacks detail. WOW guess what that stupid fellow just contradict himself. I was like "WTH is wrong with you?? 5 minutes ago you liked it and now you say you hate it???" From a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 meaning "Stupid till the point I have no words to describe." Here is how my class is ranked so far. 9.5 I am kind enough not to give a 10. Actually there more stupid stuff I want to tell you guys about how annoying my class but I realised that my post is getting longer. So I shall end here. =) FIN
Awesome week!!!! Had my programming lab test yesterday and it went fine.
I was able to answer the question and debug most of the errors. =) IE project is also done and that means I am only down to two projects. Alright!!! HAHAHA went to watch Tooth Fairy with Hui Yun plus her sister and my sister on Thursday night.HAHAHA awesome movie =DD HAHAHA initially it was quite weird because the lead actor Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock doing a lot of retarded stuff in that film. Retarded stuff like wearing tights and wearing a tutu (a skirt worn in ballet performance). Big muscular guy in a tutu = damn funny. =) I am used to seeing him playing all that action movies and beating up people in movies and in his wrestling career and now he has decided to act in family movies. Weird direction but he is doing fine in that area. Went for choir practice yesterday. HAHAHA it been ages since I sang in a choir. Well this is special cos Coral fest (a church event) is coming up and looking at last year performance the people had a lot of fun and also it another awesome way to praise God. =)))) Well time for me to end here and start mugging. Final exams are coming. Time to put fun on hold first and start doing my revision and tutorials. =) FIN
PEEE practical was not so good. I fried my IC chip like three times. There was smoke coming out of my chips during the experiment. After reading through the experiment sheet and troubleshooting the circuit, me and my lab partner mange to solve the problem. HAHA awesome!!!!
My lecturer knew that we made lots of mistakes in that experiment. So he explain to my class and use us as a example of what you should connect to where and what you should not. I cannot stand those people who keep on agreeing with the lecturer. Those who keep saying "yeah yeah" after each sentence the lecturer has said. This is the first time w.e are learning such things and there you are thinking like you know everything. My class is full of people who think they are very smart but clearly they are just pure dumb. Okay put my retard class aside. Talking about them just get on my nerve. Decided to skip TCS and went to Hui Yun's house. It was nice of her to coach me in my maths. I manged to complete my tutorials at her crib. Had dinner with her family. Awesome people to hang out with. HAHA hanging out with her produce a lot of laughter and joy in my life. =))
HAHAH close to a week since I updated my blog. Because of overwhelming school work and projects and plus a bit of laziness that why I did not update.
Nothing much happen this week I had organise icebreakers game for my Christian fellowship on Tuesday. Had tons of laughter and it was awesome because almost everyone approached and gave me a thumbs up for the games. I had been offered a big role in Christian fellowship. Initially I was afraid but I know with God guiding me along the way, I should do okay. =) On Thursday I went to attend Yan Xing's grandfather wake. At the wake nobody was emotional and all. Here something most people don't know about Christian funerals. In a Christian funerals, yes we do cry because we lost a love one and all that but at the same time we are happy because we know that our loved ones are at a better place and that place is called heaven. It a place where there is no suffering and no fear. A place to worship God and his son Jesus Christ. Awesome place rite? haha looking forward to going there someday.
Hahaha my blog seem to be dying but the counter is still increasing.(WHATEVER)
First let me wish my friends who are going to collect their O level result all the best and hope none of guys fail. Looking at my church friends collecting their result how old I have become. Ever since it was 2010, I realised that I gonna turn 19 this year. Oh my gosh I still feel like I am still 16 years old. HAHA Oh well in another few years time I will be an adult and no longer a youth. Awww =( Mum was nice enough to invite Hui Yun's family to dinner at her restaurant. HAHA the last time I went to mum's restaurant to eat was like last December. So we did the usual, talked and chilled and also enjoyed awesome Thai food cooked by my mum's chefs. ^^ I realised something and that is I haven't spend enough time with my DPA friends. Throughout the whole holiday I haven't met up with the clique at all. Oh man I feeling guilty right now. I think I should message them to meet up for dinner or something. =)
Let start of with Wednesday. Hanged with Hui Yun the whole
afternoon.Cabbing to her house then taking the train to ION Orchard to do some window shopping. Throughout the whole afternoon we couldn't stop laughing at our stupid jokes. Went to Starbucks to drink coffee and chill out. We shared lots secrets with each other. HAHA don't worry they safe with me Starbucks buddy. =) Now today. I managed to get most of my papers. I am happy that I passed all my papers so far. Even though it was not a good pass but still it a pass. =) Brought my juniors from Changkat around SP. HAHAHA when you put together a group of Changkat students, the only you can expect from us tons of vulgar language and tons of crap. HAHAHA So tomorrow I had the opportunity of bringing my church friends around SP. HAHAHA high will be activated tomorrow. =DDD
So far my first few days in school was alright. I just got my DE result.
Due to tons of careless mistakes and lack of practices I only out of 100 marks got 50. HAHAHA I am still grateful to God because even I did not put in much effort to revise my DE. HAHAHA so anyway class is still the same, boring and lack of life. HAHAHA Went for my Christian Fellowship today and it was awesome. Nothing much to say really. All I hope right now is that with God's help I can get a pass for the rest of the modules. HAHA hoping for the best right now. =D
School gonna start tomorrow and I am not feeling the school mood.
HAHAHA my three week holiday was just simply awesome. When there is Christmas in your holiday, your fun level increase like crazy. This holiday I got the chance to reconnect with my church friends and it was worth while. My TCS report is more or less done. I spent my whole Sunday afternoon cracking my head to generate ideas for my product and also problem that will affect my product. I just hate writing reports !!!! On the brighter note, tomorrow I get the opportunity to meet my classmates. Time for to turn in. =)) FIN
Finally 2010!!!! New year means new stuff and resolution. HAHA I don't
wish to make any new resolution cos I won't live up to it. HAHAHA So I went to May Ann house to celebrate the New Year. It like this tradition. Every youth(but most of time it almost everybody) from my church would go to her house to celebrate the new year. We hang out at her house from like 10pm to 8am. We will watch like tons of movies throughout the whole night. Watch till the point where you feel like you are going blind. HAHAHA After hanging out at her house till 8am, we realise that we did not have enough fun. So after breakfast at AMK hub Macs, we went to Hui Yun home to play wii. I played guitar hero from like 10am till 4pm. HAHAHA start the year by playing guitar hero. Hanged out at her home till 7pm. After that went home but I did went home alone. Apparently my sis managed to convince them to come over to our to chill out. HAHAHA Photo will be uploaded next time. Oh I forget to mentioned, HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE !!! FIN |
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