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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Today was such a happening day.
As usual, I had lesson. It was alright
so far. The work is manageable and so
far so stress. ( I like)

Even with the a terrible cough and with a lost voice,
it did not stop me from talking crap and laughing.
Kian Hwee told me in class "Waaa Bennie even you had
lost your voice, you still can talk a lot of crap not bad."

Everytime I laughed, I will laugh for a while and I
will say "AH SHIT PAIN PAIN!!!!" because my throat
hurt so bad. But still I had fun.

After lesson I went to meet my SP DPA clique to celebrate
Daniel's birthday. We had a lot of fun and laughter.
We did not give him a birthday card as we wanted to
write our birthday wishes on his body !

After that I went to a clinic.
I had to wait quite long as there were a lot of sick people.
Inside the Doctor asked me a lot question.
There was one question he asked slightly pissed me off.
Here it goes
Doctor "So Bennie Tan tell me what sickness are having right now ?''
Me'' I got a terrible cough and I lost my voice."
Doctor "You poly student ah?''
Me ''yeah''
Doctor'' Is it because you smoke too much?''
Me '' WHAT! No I don't smoke at all ! ''
Then after that he gave me this cheeky simile
and I knew he was joking.
But after that he went to ask me the same question again.
Okay this is what I am going to do.
If you think Bennie Tan is a smoker
tell me!!!! I want to know why.
Thanks =)



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