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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hello once again.
Today I did not do much today.
Just chill at home, mop the floor
and wash the toilets.

After that I went to Church for cell group
I learn a lot today. How to properly preach
the Gospel to others non- believers without
pissing them off. After that we slack and
started talking. I had JC friends in my cell group
and they were always talking about their their studies. XD
They are always so stressful when it comes to studies.
I rarely go out with them as they had to attend a lot of
extra classes and tuition classes. Sometimes I pity them,
but it their choice to be there so actually I should not feel
sad for them. It not like they are so stressful until the point
whereby they want to kill themselves. In the end they are
actualy great people to hang out with.

I feel very grateful to be in Singapore Polytechnic.
The people there are great. The work is manageable
and the food is great. =)

I am so grateful for that!



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