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Monday, April 13, 2009
My goodness what a day!
Today I had orientation like again but this
time with the April intake. It was so boring,
the people are not enthu.
Icebreaker was so lame. They gave us this
piece of paper and ask us to go around and write
each other name. -.-
"So FUN"

Let talk about my class.
For the time being it boring.
Can't blame my class
because it the first day of
School and people are just shy.
This kind of thing it takes time
before everyone is comfortable with each other
and then the real fun begins.

After orientation me, Aaron and Deming
went to Moberly and play pool.
I won them like by luck. (with the help of God actually)
But still I win HAHAHA !

After that homed !
I really hoped that tomorrow will be a
better and brighter day.



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