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Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hey everybody. Today was rather a boring day.
Me and Aaron were suppose to go and hang out at
Orchard. Sadly heavy rain came pouring down.
Therefore canceling our trip to Orchard. Dam that
rain. Stay home the whole day and used the computer
to complete a survey about teenage thinking pattern.
While walking home today I saw this lightening flash
before me followed by a loud thunder. What is going on
in this world. Is the world coming to an end?
I think it about to face the unconventional truth.

Beside staying home and doing the survey, I started thinking
about different stuff. People tell me that I fall for people too
easily. I want to change that. I want people to know that I am
just a guy who is trying to the find the rite girl who is serious about
a long term relationship.

It time for me to finish. So goodbye.



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