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Monday, March 2, 2009
Hello everybody, today it the first time in my life I went to the gym
to do some exercise!!! Usually I gain my strength my carrying poles and
heavy equipment during my Scouting days. But I am no longer in Scouts
so the only way to keep fit is to go to a gym to exercise. It was alright for me
but grew tired after trying a machine which keep legs moving.(I have no idea
what is that !!!!) Okay after I feel suck down feel more refresh and awake.
Tomorrow is effective speaking skill. The lecture said commented for my
performance and she said I will at least get a B grade.
So this is how I am going to prepare for the test tomorrow.
1) Drink a lot of water.
2) Think through what the lecture had commented on my previous performance.
3) Read short stories online and try to explain them (with my eyes closed)
within 2 minutes without making any grammar mistake.
4)Pray to GOD for guidelines.
Alright I think I should stop here. BYE!



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