Music Playlist at

Friday, March 6, 2009
Today was alright. Had marketing and the lesson was on pricing.
The lecturer was rather boring but I managed to answer some
question during the tutorial. During lunch we talk about child birth.
I have no idea how we end in such conversation! After lesson I went to
MOBERLY to play pool. Mange to win Kith and nearly won Aaron (Dam
I that was close). After playing pool, we went to the bowling alley to bowl. We reached
there about 4.15pm. We had to wait until 5pm because students from the United
World College and ACS (I) booked the whole bowling alley. So we sat and watched
them play and my goodness they sure have problems throwing the ball. We did
not care as we wanted to bowl so badly and we were hoping that that they would
leave the place as soon as possible. After bowling, went home and found my sister was sick
hope you get well sister.

Alright I think I have manage to sum up my day. So goodbye!



Designer / Mira Muhayat
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