Music Playlist at

Saturday, October 10, 2009
My new time table is the same as ever. The only different
is that there is a change in modules and lecturers.

So the holidays are coming to an end and in another
2 weeks time, I will be back in school mugging and
having fun with my friends and all.

Heard that a second CCA showcase is going be held
in school. That really wonderful cos right now I am
without a CCA and it can get very boring without a
CCA. I cannot go on without a CCA because I want
to go to the university and with the help of a CCA,
it will make my admission into the university slightly

The next week I am going to start revising my past
work. Refreshing my mind so that I don't that lost in
school. My GPA improved, that a relief.



Designer / Mira Muhayat
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