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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Decided to stay home today to do some housework.
My mum asked me to clean all the fans in my house
and dam we sure got a lot of fans from where I come
from. HAHA

Beside doing the housework and I had to pack for my trip. ^^
Gosh I got like a lot of stuff since I will be going from the
18th September to the 1st of October. That is going to be a
long time.
Alright packing aside, so I was watching this movie online
and it called YEAR ONE featuring funny guy Jack Black
and the actor who acted in Juno and Superbad
Michael Cera. This movie is making fun of the stone age
of times. It tells the story of two guys who got kicked of their
tribe and they go on this road trip. Going from city to city
and getting into a lot of trouble. It a lot of fun. You guys
should watch it.



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