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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I decided to get my hair cut because of a few reason.
First reason is because school is starting soon and I want
look more neater. Second people have been telling me that
lots of guys are leaving their hair long. Because of that I
decided to cut my hair short to be different from the rest of
the guys who wants to be a Korean or Japanese wannabe.
Lastly I am just sick of having long hair.

Like what Gary said " From the time I first met you in
February until now, your hair has not change one bit !"

I like my new hair like a lot. Seriously!!!!
It took two tries to get the hairstyle I want.
Initially the hairstylist finished cutting my hair, it look
quite weird. I mean I really look like shit.

We stared at the mirror, both of us started giving the
weird look. So she told me "You want to cut something else?"
I was like "sure, I am with you."

After that it was so much better. What a relief. The first
haircut I look like the guy in the Korean movie.
What is called?
Detroit metal city.

How you know how crappy I looked after my first haircut.



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