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Sunday, November 15, 2009
Typical day. Woke up late and then after that went to Church
after that in the afternoon. Today saw a lot of happy faces in
church. That because they just completed their O levels.

Here a fact about my church. Most of the youths in my church
are like hardcore muggers. Making me and sis look like we are
dumb people. Most of them their ambition is to get into the best
Junior Colleges in town. There only 5 of us currently in the Poly
in our congregation. The rest are in top notch schools.

Most of them keep telling me that they are going to fail their
O level. HAHA you what what tell them?

I will use my sis as an example.

"haha you can't say you are gonna fail because that it just unrealistic."
Take for an example my sis, she got L1R4 30 points for her prelim exam.
Then O level get 15 points!!!!! So need to worry, my sis can make it then
you confirm can make it one."

HAHA I am such an evil brother. MUHAHAHA

But hey it for the greater good. =D

School tomorrow starts 1/2 hour early. T.T



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