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Sunday, November 1, 2009
It November already. GOSH !!!!
It been like 9 months since I had my DPA orientation.
I still remember it like it was yesterday. The whole time
I was in DPA from February to March, I was in hyper
mood. Screaming our at our top voice during our
Understanding Data lesson causing the other classes to go
"Damn I wish in that class!!!!" HAHA

9 months later here am I with a class just as fun but not as
fun as the previous one I had during my DPA days.

During my 9 months, I had a lot of ups and downs.
Come and think about it, I actually got more downs than ups.
Being getting lousy GPA score, been heartbroken twice, left a CCA
that I loved due to some reason that I shall not say.

On the bright side my ups, met lots of awesome people from different
walks of life. The DPA clique is one good example. We had like lots of
fun during the Mawai camp.

My friends of circle in my class awesome people. All shared a common
interest, talking crap and making fun of people. HAHA

These are enough to make me forget the bad memoirs I had. =D

Well time for to go back and do my project.




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