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Thursday, August 6, 2009
Exams are coming!!!!!!!
My goodness I have to start mugging.
I am lacking behind in my studies.
Of course I am worried. That is why
tomorrow I am going to start my
mugging journey.

I hate mugging journeys because it
requires me to sit on a chair and stare
at my textbook from morning to night.

That what I did during my O level days.
I will always go to Changi Airport T3
to study. I would arrive at 10am and
stay there until 10pm. During that
period of time I would do my revision.
Redo and redo my TYS. Gosh I hate
doing that.

I thought poly I will have not have to do
that again but I was so wrong.

Time to begin my mugging journey.



Designer / Mira Muhayat
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