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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wow it seem forever since I blog.
I am going to sum up what I did. I have been
slacking a lot. I think I can become a professional slacker. =P
I can't really focus on my work right now because I am too
focus on my CCA. I cannot stop thinking about my CCA.
On Tuesday the whole day I mentally prepare myself for the
training and guess what it actually helps. I was able to jog
constantly a better improvement than last week.

The seniors are the best. They showed us a lot of tough love
and also they keep on motivating us to push on. With all this
training, I feel less tired and I rarely sleep in class now. =D

So tomorrow, I am having canoe training. I must be prepared
for it and I cannot afford to slack in my work and training.
Must be mentally and physically prepared for tomorrow .

Me shall end here =)



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