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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I came home to today to find out that my laptop
has bail out on me. It has crashed ladies and gentlemen.
I was rather pissed but I can't just cry over spill milk.
I don't blame Lenovo, they are a great computer providing
good personal computers and notebooks around the world.
Nothing is perfect in this world. But frankly I never thought
that my laptop will crash like 2 or 3 weeks after purchase.
It just too early !

I had ESS CA3 today.

First part the reading it was alright.

Second part was dam easy I am so happy
1) Can Asia films be compared to Hollywood
2) E-learning
3) Women are worry about their weigh

Obviously I chose the e-learning as I had experience it before.

Third part the article
I managed to keep to the time limit.
Nothing much to say.

Fourth was beautiful
I gave points that my Lecturer did not knew until today.
She was impressed by my opinions towards the article and also
she was impressed with the suggestion I made.



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